Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Birth Story

I still am amazed every single time I look at this precious little baby at the fact that he is ours. What an amazing thing parenthood is! Anyways here is how it happened…

Monday afternoon we went to the Dr. and were somewhat discouraged as we left because I had made no progress since my last appointment and the doc said he thought I could go another week. He told me to come back Wednesday morning and to pack our bags just in case. Well Tuesday night I was having uncomfortable contractions every 6 to 7 minutes from 4 am to 6 am and then they tapered off. We woke up and I had this extreme anxious/excited feeling as we drove to the doc. I just kept feeling like this was it.

The nurse called me back and checked my urine and blood pressure like they always do and she then asked told me that I had protein in my urine and high blood pressure which is the beginning of preeclampsia. I was not worried, knew that me and baby were covered but was so excited that this was the day! The doctor came in and as soon as he heard that he said 'ok lets get this thing going, its time' We waited for him to call the hospital, got our paperwork, then headed over.

A side note of why May 9th is special- my Uncle Chris passed away on May 9th when I was in kindergarten and the Lord gave us this special gift to redeem this day! I know Uncle Chris is happy that this can now be a day of celebration as well!

So we get to the hospital at around 9:30 am and they check me in. I am already having contractions every 3 minutes at this point. My Dr. gets there around 10:15 and breaks my water and within 10 minutes my contractions were SO intense. I had to get an entire bag of fluids in me before they would give me the epidural but they were able to give me some pain meds through my IV in the mean time. Praise the Lord I only had about 45 minutes of the intense contractions before they were able to give me the epidural and then there was no pain. I actually took a two hour nap which was much needed rest.

The Dr. checked me at 12:30 and I was 5 centimeters. They were estimating that I would start pushing around 6. Well at 3:30 the nurse came in and I asked her to go ahead and check me again and she said O wow you are 9 centimeters and I can see his head! She said she would be back at 4:00 to check me again. She came back, checked, and said alright say goodbye to your family- its time! I started pushing at 4:00 and he was born at 4:26 pm.

It is such a surreal feeling when you hold your child for the first time. That first day is such a blur for me and DR. All I knew is that I had this overwhelming love for my husband as I watched him hold our son for the first time and this little boy began to capture our hearts.

My mom came home with us to help us transition. What a BLESSING her and DR were those days after. I seriously could only sit and watch and thank God for an amazing mom and husband. Especially now having a child and knowing all that you go through, it gives you an entire new appreciation for your own mom. She is the most selfless person I know and I could not say enough to thank her. DR has been nothing but supportive. He totally gets me, like no one ever has. I never thought I could love him more than I did two weeks ago but I was wrong.

Every day is better than the last. I am just amazed at watching this little life and cannot believe that our son is here! OUR SON! Holy cow, it is still unbelievable that this little miracle was knit together in my womb!

Here are some Pictures that Erin took that I absolutely love! She is awesome! Thanks Aunt Erin!!


  1. Congrats, you two! You have a stud in the making! ;)

  2. Loved reading the story and especially seeing the beautiful pictures!
